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 Fathom-Lord Karathress

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Messages : 327
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2008
Age : 111
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Fathom-Lord Karathress Empty
MessageSujet: Fathom-Lord Karathress   Fathom-Lord Karathress Icon_minitimeDim 9 Nov - 14:22

Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2006
Messages: 3088

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 27, 2007 10:43 am Sujet du message: Fathom-Lord Karathress Répondre en citant
Fathom-Lord Karathress

1,700,000 HP

Shadow Bolt
Every 10 seconds he casts a Shadow Bolt that will damage one single target for 50% of its total HP. This ability looks like five Shadow Bolts spinning in the air, but always coming down on a single target. It will cause damage equal to exactly 50% of the target's HP. It can be completely resisted, but not partially.
After 10 minutes Fathom-Lord Karathress will enrage and one-hit everyone.
Melee Strength
At the beginning of the fight one healer is sufficient to heal the boss' tank, but once Karathress gains the buff "The Beast Within" his damage will increase enormously. He then hits the Main Tank for about 6,000 damage.

Fathom-Guard Sharkkis (Hunter)
855,000 HP

Causes approximately 2000-3000 damage on three players.
Viper Sting
This works much like the hunter ability. It drains about 3000 mana and can not be dispelled. Do not underestimate it.
Summon Pet
Sharkkis summons a pet that is either an elemental or a beast. If it's an elemental you can Banish it easily. Otherwise it should be tanked.
The Beast Within
Turns red and increases damage by 30%. His pet also goes into a rage, causing 50% additional damage for 18 sec.
Melee Strength
Sharkkis deals moderate damage to the tank. It should be no problem for 1-2 healers. If his add is tanked the healers might have more problems. The pet deals at least as much damage as he does, so pay attention to your tank's HP!

Fathom-Guard Tidalvess (Shaman)
840,000 HP

Shaman Abilities
Tidalvess has nearly all the damage spells that a player shaman has, including Windfury, which is very nasty for the tank, and a Frost Shock that hits for about 6,000.
Shaman Totems
He summons several totems:
Spitfire Totem - Deals 2250-3500 damage to multiple targets in the raid. It should be destroyed as soon as it spawns.
Cleansing Totem - Can safely be ignored.
Earthbind Totem - Can safely be ignored.

Fathom-Guard Caribdis (Priest)
885,000 HP

Water Bolt Volley
This is a 45 yard area of effect spell which deals 2700-3250 damage.
A single target heal that does not depend on line of sight or range. It can be cast on any of the mobs, inluding Karathress and Caribdis himself. It heals for approximately 20-30% of the target's total HP. It can and should be interrupted by the tank, and also any melee DPS on Caribdis at the time. Ranged classes with interrupts should save them for Heals cast after Tidal Surge (see below).
Tidal Surge
Caribdis stuns all players within a 10 yard range every 15-20 seconds. They will be frozen in an ice block for 3 seconds but they still receive damage and don't lose aggro during that time. This ice block is problematic, because melee are unable to interrupt Caribdis' Heal spell during this time. To counter this, a shaman needs to stand outside the 10 yard range of this ability, and be ready to cast Earth Shock on Carabdis should he attempt to cast Heal after a Tidal Surge.
The Whirlwind
A whirlwind is generated which moves around the fight area. It has considerable range and can easily interfere with groups on the other mobs. It pushes the players up in the air for about 3-6 seconds and gives a debuff that reduces casting time. It looks like the arena whirlwind but does not deal any damage.

Killing The Adds

The Kill Order

Fathom-Guard Sharkkis (Hunter)
Fathom-Guard Tidalvess (Shaman)
Fathom-Guard Caribdis (Priest)
Fathom-Lord Karathress
Every time an add dies, Karathress gains a new ability.

When Sharkkis the Hunter dies, Karathress will gain "The Beast Within". This ability buffs his melee DPS.

When Tidalvess the Shaman dies, Karathress will gain "Spitfire Totem". This totem, which was previously placed by the shaman, is now placed by the boss himself.

When Caribdis the Priest dies, Karathress will gain "Tidal Surge". It is the exact same ability Caribdis has.
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