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 [Bt] Illidan

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5 participants

Messages : 327
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2008
Age : 111
Localisation : Au cimetierre

[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitimeDim 9 Nov - 10:35

Lol de publier cette strat quand meme ^^

Boss Abilities

HP - 5.5 million
Melee strike - from 6k to 8k on plate

Phase 1
Shear - Reduces the health of his current main aggro target by 60%. Use Shield Block to stop it.

Flame Crash - Illidan jumps up high and lands in a patch of blue flame directly underneath his current position. Deals 5k fire damage per second. 10 yard radius. Remains on the ground for 2 minutes.

Parasitic Shadowfiend - Random raid members will be targeted with a Parasites debuff lasting 10 seconds and dealing 3k shadow damage every 2 seconds. Once this debuff has ticked off, 2 Parasites will spawn at the affected player's location and attempt to melee whoever is highest on global threat (generally a healer). If they are successful in this melee attack, the targeted raid member will receive the Parasitic Shadowfiend debuff. Parasites have around 6k HP.

Draw Soul - Will drain targets in front of him in a similar way to Cone of Cold, dealing 5k shadow damage and healing Illidan for 100,000 HP. Shadow based spell. Resistible.

Phase 2

Flames of Azzinoth - Illidan will spawn 2 gigantic fire elementals, the Flames of Azzinoth, which need to be tanked and DPSed down in order to reach phase 3. Flames have around 1.1 million HP.

Eye Beam - Illidan will sweep a fiery blue beam, emanating from his eyes, across the platform every 30 seconds. Deals around 20k fire damage on initial hit. After initial cast, ticks for 2k fire damage if stood in. The initial cast is not resistible but the flame residue on the ground deals 2k fire damage, resistible.

Fireballs - When not casting Eye Beam, Illidan will volley the metal grate area with blue Fireballs which deal around 3k fire splash damage on impact. Resistible.

Dark Barrage - Will target a random raid member and Barrage them for 30k Shadow Damage over 10 seconds. Occurs fairly rarely and randomly, generally every 2 minutes once phase 2 has started.

Phase 3

Flame Crash
Draw Soul

Agonizing Flames - Targets a random raid member and unleashes a flamestrike underneath them that deals 4k fire damage on impact, and then ticks for 60 seconds for increasingly large amounts - going up to 4.5k fire damage on the end tick. Will affect players within 5 yards of the initial cast point. Resistible.

Phase 4

Lasts 30 seconds

Demon Within - Illidan will release his Demon Within and turn into a gigantic black demon. Whilst in this phase Illidan will not move and instead will use ranged abilities to damage the raid.

Shadow Blast - Will Shadow Blast the target highest on threat for between 8k and 11k shadow damage. This Shadow Blast has a splash effect - raid members within 20 yards of the affected target will receive the damage from the spell. Resistible.

Flame Burst - Will throw fire upon the entire raid for around 3.5k damage every 10 seconds. Players within 5 yards of each other will receive splash damage from this ability. Resistible.

Shadow Demons - During this phase Illidan will spawn 4 Shadow Demons at his feet that target random raid members and paralyse them. The demons will then slowly move towards the players in question; if they reach that player then he/she will die. The demons have around 22k HP.

Aura of Dread - A 15 yard aura surrounds Illidan dealing 1000 shadow damage every second to raid members within 15 yards of him, and also increasing Shadow Damage taken by 30%. This effect stacks over time.

Phase 5

Flame Crash
Draw Soul
Agonizing Flames

Shadow Prison - At 30% HP, Illidan places all raid members in Shadow Prisons for 30 seconds, granting immunity to all damage but also preventing them from moving or using any abilities. At this point Maiev Shadowsong will emerge and join the battle.

Enrage - After a while behaving otherwise like Phase 3, Illidan will Enrage during this phase, granting increased attack speed and power. To combat the Enrage, he must be dragged and trapped in one of Maiev's contraptions.
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Messages : 251
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2008
Localisation : RWangrwlewronce!

[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitimeDim 21 Déc - 18:54

c'est la strat ? mais ça a l'air simple!!!

"QUI POUR CLEAN LE BT ?! plz" flower
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Messages : 62
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008

[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitimeMer 24 Déc - 4:04

moi, je veux boter le cul à illidan

bon ok je rêve encore ...
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Messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2008

[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitimeMer 24 Déc - 20:04

vu que par les beau screen d eraxo
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Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2008

[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Déc - 5:36

Hum, réfléchissont, 6 à 8k sur plaques, ca fait que j'encaisse au mieux 2 coups unbuff, 5 voir 6 avec 3 heals sur moi, 10 avec dernier rempart, 15-20 avec mur protecteur ET dernier rempart...
On compte les dégats de groupe, les ralentissement des sorts de mes heals ca fait presque 1min de jeu vivant...
Pas mal, mais il me reste encore du boulot ><

Jdit bonne chance moi ^^
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Messages : 251
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2008
Localisation : RWangrwlewronce!

[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Déc - 20:34

un coup critique est si vite arrivé lol!
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[Bt] Illidan Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Bt] Illidan   [Bt] Illidan Icon_minitime

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[Bt] Illidan
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